Jesus' Church: Paul Krueger

Paul Krueger is a part of the The Commons City Group, attends the 5pm Sunday gathering, and serves on the A/V Team. This is his story. This is what Jesus is doing in his church.PK_1Hello my name is Paul Krueger and I was born on August 10, 1986, I grew up in a godly household here in Fort Worth, I am the youngest of three children, I am 6'7 inches tall, and I am a part of The Commons City Group.To better understand my story I'm going to take you back to the year 2009. I had recently graduated from college with a degree in audio engineering and my parents provided me with the best gift a son could ask for; they were moving to China. So I did what every other college graduate did in those years of economic recession.... I got a job at a coal mine.For two long, begrudging, dirty, woe begotten years I worked at a coal mine in Oak Hill, TX until one day, I was invited to be the sound man at a church plant in Nashville, TN. So with great joy and with an adventurous spirit I headed to Tennessee to help serve.

“I felt more like a cog in a machine than an individual who was cared for and loved by a community around him.”

One week I got super sick I could not get out of bed and on top of that my back was in extreme pain. I tried to call in sick and asked if I could have the Sunday off because I was in misery. I was not allowed to miss a Sunday, and thus began the dwindling of my joy and my bitterness towards the church. I went to church that day and helped but I was hurt knowing that I could not have one Sunday off even if I was sick. I felt more like a cog in a machine than an individual who was cared for and loved by a community around him.That's when I started talking to God much more frequently for clear direction in my life. The situation kept getting worse and it became clear the agenda in my life was more important than my well being or what God was really doing.PK_2In the midst of what I can only describe as a burnout, two of my friends from Texas paid me a visit. They could tell I was having a really hard time and said to me, "Paul, we love you. Nashville sucks. Come home to Texas where your real friends are!" I was so disappointed and angry at how I was being treated by the church, that my decision was easy. If all of this is what church was, being used up for someone else’s agenda and tossed aside when I didn't fit it anymore, then I did not want any part of it.

“I was terrified of committing to serve another community.”

I moved back to Texas and my grandpa lovingly let me stay with him here in Fort Worth. I started going to my old church but I felt out of place and disconnected and eventually stopped going altogether. I began helping at a friend’s church running sound. He really wanted me to be a part of his church, but I was terrified of committing to serve another community. He urged me to pray about getting more involved in a church, so I did.Not long after, I was browsing Instagram and my friend, Jon Phillips, posted an invite to come to this church called The Paradox on Sunday evening. I said to myself, “If Jon goes there, then it must be cool!” I ended up visiting and felt very welcome. I met Pastor Ryan and he (of course) said, “Hey, go to a City Group.” Three weeks after visiting I decided to check out The Commons City Group. At first, everyone seemed very weird. But now I see they are just like me–a sinner redeemed by God's mercy and grace, and the exact group of friends that I need.The gospel proclaimed here, through the teaching, and the gospel displayed to me in my city group by their love, openness, and acceptance have helped in the healing process of my selfish, hypocritical heart. I no longer find it painful or a chore to go to church. My heart overflows with joy coming to this beautiful messy place called The Paradox because I know God is at work here, on HIS redemption agenda.

“…the gospel displayed to me in my city group by their love, openness, and acceptance have helped in the healing process of my selfish, hypocritical heart.”

I now serve by running sound in the 5pm service and I love it. Praise God for redeeming that service for me! People say I look like I am on drugs because I smile all the time, but I don’t care. I smile all the time because I am rejoicing in what the Lord has done and is doing still in my life and in the lives of others. I can see it happening. Sometimes I try to wrap my head around how big His love is and I can't even begin to fathom it. Out of that I try to show what little joy, and love I can to others so that they may know God’s great love and grace for them.

“I smile all the time because I am rejoicing in what the Lord has done and is doing still in my life and in the lives of others.”

PK_3Thank you for letting me tell my story and bit of what God has done in me. I want to close with some of my favorite verses:Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:4-9


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