Help Us Tell Stories


A church is to make disciples. Disciples follow Jesus, love Jesus, enjoy Jesus, obey Jesus—they are becoming like Jesus. And everything we do as a church has the end goal of making disciples.

We are inviting people in, equipping them, and calling them to take part in the multiplying of the Kingdom of God and the worship of the King.


And we can’t do this without Story.


Everything about the Gospel is a story. It is the meta-narrative, the overarching story of all things. Jesus communicated in stories. God wrote a book of stories that point to the One Story, and the Hero of that Story.

Everything the world is selling people is sold through competing narratives to the Gospel story. Advertising and marketing and tv shows and movies and social media are all curators of stories and storytellers, that distract and attract people away from the story, and the Storyteller.


So we must tell better stories.


We must be a curator of stories.

We must become great storytellers.

We must think in stories.


We must not be merely gatherers of data.

We must not be merely dispensers of information.

We must not be merely thinkers of processes.


The church should be great at telling stories of God’s glory and grace.

 Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord - Psalm 102:18

Consider joining our team to help us communicate better and tell the stories of what God is doing in and through us.

For His Fame,Pastor Jim Essian



Strategies for Daily Bible Reading


The Road to Pregnancy